4 Energizing Morning Recipes that AREN'T Coffee
Coffee can be a healthful food, but I don’t think it’s healthy for us to RELY on something to function properly and I think if we are addicted to the point where we are irritable and physically unwell without it, then we need to check ourselves and our relationship with caffeine.
If you are struggling with your hormones or ongoing energy issues, I recommend taking a coffee break . A 30-day break from coffee can not only teach you something about yourself and break the addictive habit, but it will give your hormones a nice break and chance to balance out. The question is what can you have in its place to help fill the void? Below, I am sharing 4 ways to energize without coffee.
Your Sleep Schedule & Your Muffin Top
Is your sleep schedule behind your weight gain?
It might be. In this post I provide a simple breakdown of the connection between sleep, metabolism and hormones. I also offer some tips and tricks to help promote really dreamy sleeps.